2020/21 has been a time like no other. As we start to emerge from the impact of the pandemic, we felt it was time to refocus our strategy and re-engage our local communities.
There have been so many community-spirited initiatives, from food bank drives to clapping for the NHS, to neighbours supporting one-another to reduce social isolation. We want our vulnerable children and young people to be front and centre of this reinvigorated community spirit.
Fostering is everyone’s business. As local communities, its our duty to protect the most vulnerable children in our community. We know, from the feedback you’ve given us, on our website and social media channels, that you want to, but often don’t know how, or feel you can’t.
So, to mark our third birthday, we’ve devised our landmark 3 Ways Strategy, to set out who we are and what we do more clearly, and to provide three distinct ways that you as local residents can get involved:
Request an information pack to find out more about Fostering & how your Local Authority can help you.