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Any of us can make a difference in a child's life.
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The process to become a foster carer; a flexible, home-based career.
You contact us via the telephone, email, our web form or by meeting us face to face at an event. We’ll take some basic details from you...
Once we’ve received your Expression of Interest form, we’ll do some initial checks and one of our social workers will give you a...
Before the course begins, the fostering team will send an Application Form out to you, either in the post or via email. You complete...
Skills to Foster is the pre-approval training course. It’s a standard course that all foster carers in the UK undertake...
Once you’ve completed Skills to Foster, you will be allocated an assessing social worker and your formal assessment will begin...
Once your assessment report is completed, you’ll be sent a draft for you to add to/ amend any details that may need tweaking etc...
Congratulations! Welcome to the fostering family. Your supervising social worker will come out and visit you to do your...
We run our information sessions virtually and in-person to give you maximum choice and flexibility.
Our next session is:
Wednesday 4th September, 6pm ***Book Now***